Philips introduces advanced imaging integration for EP navigator30 January 2013 Philips Healthcare has introduced its new EP navigator product, which has a novel approach to 3D rotational angiography that provides real-time anatomical details of cardiac LA-PV structures with significantly enhanced workflow. Furthermore, under the terms of a new agreement with Biosense Webster, Philips plans to offer integration of Philips Allura X-ray images with the CartoAlara Module of Biosense Webster’s Carto 3 Electroanatomical Mapping System, providing enhanced anatomical detail and orientation for electrophysiologists performing catheter ablation procedures. Advanced real-time 3D imaging For hospital teams working in catheter ablation, capturing the best anatomical detail possible at time of procedure is essential to accurately guide catheters through the anatomy of a beating heart. Philips’ EP navigator system provides a novel approach to 3D rotational angiography to capture these images, delivering an alternative to pre-procedural CT/MR imaging to obtain the LA-PV anatomy. Obtaining 3D rotational images can be challenging when treating large patients or performing procedures under general anaesthesia. Philips’ new EP navigator supports an optimized 3D rotational scan that significantly enhances the workflow for these procedures, by removing barriers encountered in the traditional workflow. In addition, the optimized 3D rotational scan requires less radiation exposure to capture the 3D image, as it uses a shortened trajectory of 159 degrees versus 240 degrees for the traditional scan. “By using the EP navigator with 3D rotational scan, my patients and team gain several benefits,” says Dr. Vivek Reddy, Boston AF course co-director and Director, Cardiac Arrhythmia Service, The Mount Sinai Medical Center. “Firstly, rotational angiography is getting better and better, to the point where we don’t have any issues in getting good quality pictures, so it allows us to optimize workflow. I can now take a rotational image, make a 3D rendering of it and project it on to the X-ray, so that as we manipulate the catheters on X-ray, the shadows tell us where the catheter is relative to the left atrium.” Integration with mapping To maximize the benefits of advanced X-ray imaging and mapping solutions, integration is critical. Philips and Biosense Webster are collaborating to make such integration a reality. Philips EP navigator already supports seamless integration of the LA-PV anatomy obtained through 3D rotational scans, into Biosense Webster’s Carto 3 Mapping System. Under the terms of the new agreement between Philips and Biosense Webster, Philips plans to offer integration of Philips Allura X-ray images with the CartoAlara Module of Biosense Webster’s Carto 3 Electroanatomical Mapping System. By unifying registered Philips X-ray images into Carto 3 System maps, enhanced anatomical detail and orientation are achieved within a single view. “At Philips, we are dedicated to make a difference in the treatment of cardiac arrhythmias to improve patient outcomes and quality of life. We continue to advance the tools available to EPs, by offering innovative Live Image Guidance solutions and by collaborating with our industry partners”, commented Ronald Tabaksblat, General Manager Interventional X-ray at Philips Healthcare. “Our agreement with Biosense Webster perfectly exemplifies this dedication, by allowing Philips Allura X-ray systems to seamlessly integrate with the Carto 3 Mapping System.”