TLT secures new research collaboration with leading UK universities22 June 2012 Tarilian Laser Technologies has announced the development of a new clinical research consortium consisting of TLT and The William Harvey Research Institute (WHRI) at Queen Mary, University of London, which is led by Professor Mark Caulfield, Director of the WHRI. This consortium aims to further evaluate the utility and performance of the TLT Sapphire optoelectronic blood pressure sensor in intensive care medicine, cardiology and primary care. The Consortium will include key physicians and involves collaboration with several world-renowned clinical research institutions: Barts Health NHS Trust, Queen Mary University of London, Imperial College and Oxford University. Comments on this development Professor Caulfield stated, “The TLT device is a promising new technology which could offer a significant paradigm shift in clinical care if successful. Our consortium aims to assess performance of TLT Sapphire in various clinical settings, including in ITU, and we are looking forward to starting this important programme of work soon.” Dr Sandeep Shah, CEO of TLT, a graduate of The Royal London Hospital Medical College and alumnus of Queen Mary University of London, as well as Imperial College, London said, “We are thrilled by this unique consortium and excited that we now have on board some of the key thought leaders in medicine, especially from my old medical school. The consortium will further energise the progress and development of TLT Sapphire and elaborate further on its unique potentials.” Further information Tarilian Laser Technologies: