New thyroid uptake system from Southern Scientific23 February 2012 The Capintec Captus 700t is a new thyroid uptake system available in the UK from Southern Scientific. It has a new colour touchscreen that simplifies and speeds-up thyroid uptake, wipe, bio-assay, blood volume and RBC survival tests. System calibration is simple and automatic with Cs137 and Eu152 reference sources and the multi-channel analyser is extremely user-friendly. Region of interests can either be selected from a convenient menu of isotopes with predefined regions or be user-defined. The protocols allow use of a standard capsule method or for the system to perform an automatic decay correction to the administered dose. Both full spectrum counts and counts by region of interest are displayed and all results can be stored on the instrument along with patient demographics, physician data and administered dose data. There is no limit to the number of uptakes that can be performed, and the results will be reported with detailed count information and automatic percentage uptake calculations.