AQAI launches TestChest lung-heart function simulator7 November 2011 The AQAI Simulation Center based in Mainz, Germany, has launched TestChest, a device that simulates the functioning of the extremely complex lung and heart-lung functions in humans. AQAI says it is suitable for use in all contexts where acute and chronic respiratory conditions are part of education in medicine. The patient simulator can be programmed for conditions such as ALI (Acute Lung Injury), ARDS (Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome), and COPD (Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease), etc to support high-intensity learning. Spontaneous breathing and production of CO2 are part of TestChest; the simulator reacts in a realistic manner to therapeutic interventions such as pressure support, PEEP, CPAP, FiO2, and even recruitment maneuvers. The optional hemodynamics module provides information on oxygen saturation, heart rate, and intravascular filling status. Features of the AQAI SIS software package include, based on complex mathematical algorithms, the entire representation of the patient’s reaction to mechanical ventilation, preconfigured scenarios, and learning tools, as well as an intuitive user interface; the package can be combined with existing simulators. There are no limits to the number of simulated patient cases. TestChest allows for the realistic re-creation of therapeutic situations in real time, and makes medical education possible causing no risks for patients. Modern didactic approaches, such as problem-based and learner-activated learning, can be realized. The solution is unique worldwide, and replaces the complicated, hard to reproduce animal models in use up to the present. The simulator can also be utilized to test ventilation, CPAP, and anesthetics devices of all types.