Universities of Greenwich and Lille collaborate to develop coated
coronary stent
28 March 2011
The University of Greenwich is collaborating with two
universities in Lille to develop a coronary stent with a coating that slowly
releases drugs into the blood.
The new stent is being developed by the University of Greenwich
in partnership with Université Lille 1
and Université du Droit et de la Santé de Lille, also known as
Université Lille II. The two-year research project has won more than
€860,000 euros (£740,000) of funding from the European Union’s
INTERREG programme.
Professor Jeremy Everett, Head of Pharmaceutical, Chemical &
Environmental Sciences at the University of Greenwich, said: “We are
excited about the possibilities of improving cardiac medicine with
this new technology.
“While stents have been around for many years, statistics show
they can, unfortunately, still lead to post-operative complications,
and sometimes death, after heart surgery. With our new type of stent
we are hoping to decrease these complications and both extend, and
improve, the lives of patients after surgery.”
Dr Dennis Douroumis, Senior Lecturer at the university’s School
of Science, is leading the research project. He explained that,
while many stents currently in use are simple tubes which keep the
arteries open, the research being carried out by Greenwich and its
French partners was aiming to deliver something innovative. “Our
stent will have a special plastic coating, which will slowly deliver
one or more drugs into the blood stream. This will help tackle
problems that can arise around the heart such as infections,
inflammation and thrombosis, or the clotting of blood,” he said.
Stents are most commonly used after angioplasty surgery, which is
the technique of widening a narrowed or obstructed blood vessel.
More than 45,000 angioplasties are carried out each year in the UK
alone, and it is estimated that this number is even higher in
The universities of Greenwich and Lille are hoping to attract
major commercial interest both in the UK and in Europe once they
have produced the first prototype of the new stent.
The INTERREG scheme, which is funding the project, helps
organisations across Europe to work together to share knowledge and
improve economic, social and environmental conditions.