First atrial fibrillation ablation cases for contact force sensing
15 Feb 2011
Biosense Webster, Inc., has announced the successful
completion of the first clinical cases in the EU with the new ThermoCool
SmartTouch contact force sensing catheter, following recent CE Mark
approval. The device is pending clinical investigation in the US and is
not yet approved for sale there.
During cardiac ablation the catheter enables the measurement of
catheter tip contact force and direction inside the heart. The force
and contact information is graphically displayed on the Carto 3
Mapping and Navigation System with the Carto 3 SmartTouch software
module, thus creating the only fully integrated solution in the
electrophysiology market which combines contact force with 3D
mapping and navigation capabilities.
Dr Paolo Della Bella, from the San Raffaele Hospital in Milan,
Italy, performed the first human cases with the catheter and Carto 3
System. “This is a breakthrough technology. The force reading
parameter gives me additional confidence in my ablation procedures,”
he said.
The ThermoCool SmartTouch Catheter combines Biosense Webster’s
market-leading irrigated ablation technology and the accurate
visualization for which the Carto 3 System is globally renowned with
innovative force sensing capabilities.
By displaying precise contact force and direction information,
the catheter provides an important new parameter for the mapping and
ablation of complex cardiac arrhythmias, such as Atrial Fibrillation
“ThermoCool SmartTouch Catheter brings new force reading
information to physicians and will provide them with an important
new measurement for ablation procedures. This breakthrough
technology continues our commitment to bringing advanced tools to
the Cardiac Electrophysiology community, so that they may better
serve their patients,” said Shlomi Nachman, Worldwide President,
Biosense Webster, Inc.
About atrial fibrillation and cardiac ablation
AF is the most prevalent arrhythmia, and is a leading cause of
stroke among people 65 years and older. Worldwide, it is estimated
that 20 million people have AF, yet only 100,000 are treated with
ablation every year. The public health implications of AF are a
growing concern because those with AF are at an increased risk of
morbidity and mortality as well as a reduced quality of life.
Most patients with AF today are treated with anti-arrhythmic
drugs (AADs), even though about half of them are refractory to these
drugs. During cardiac ablation, energy is delivered through the
catheter to those areas of the heart muscle causing the abnormal
heart rhythm. This energy “disconnects” the pathway of the abnormal
Cardiac ablation is the standard of care for “simple”
arrhythmias, like Wolff-Parkison-White Syndrome and atrioventricular
nodal re-entry tachycardia (AVNRT), and is increasingly being used
for more complex arrhythmias like ventricular tachycardia and atrial