Knifeless radiosurgery for Northwest England
15 Oct 2010
Cancer patients in Northwest England will have access to
advanced radiosurgery when the new Christie radiotherapy centre at
Salford Royal Hospital opens in summer 2011.
The Novalis Tx radiosurgery system from Varian Medical Systems and
Brainlab will play a central role in radiotherapy services offered
by the new centre.
It is a targeted and non-invasive alternative to surgery for some
types of tumours that can reduce patient treatment times to less
than 20 minutes. Image guidance and motion management tools guide
patient set up and positioning, and monitor motion during treatment.
A computer-controlled, high-definition multi-leaf collimator shapes
the treatment beam around the tumour. This helps ensure that the
maximum prescribed dose is delivered to the entire tumour or other
abnormalities to ensure the planned dose is delivered, whilst
protecting healthy tissue.
“This level of precision is ideal for treating abnormalities in
areas close to critical structures like the brainstem, spinal cord
or the optic nerves,” says leading Consultant Neurosurgeon, Mr James
Leggate, at Salford Royal NHS Foundation Trust.
new Christie centre will be based at Salford Royal and is due to
open in summer 2011. It will be a leading centre for treating brain
conditions and will also significantly reduce travel times for local
patients needing radiotherapy for common cancers.
Dr Catherine McBain, leading Consultant Oncologist at The
Christie, said: “The versatility of the Novalis Tx means we can also
treat other types of cancers and abnormalities in the whole body
with the same equipment.
“Radiotherapy facilities at The Christie are among the best in
the country and I am delighted that we will be able to offer
knife-less radiosurgery with the Novalis Tx in Greater Manchester.
Patients can now be assured of fast and targeted non-invasive
radiosurgery treatment, closer to home.”
One of the key benefits of Novalis Tx Radiosurgery is that it is
a non-invasive out-patient treatment, which helps avoid lengthy
recovery periods and many of the complications often associated with
conventional surgery.