Siemens introduces new systems for the diagnosis and therapy of heart diseases1 Sept 2010 ![]() Siemens Healthcare is presenting at the European Society of Cardiology Congress (ESC) 2010 a range of innovative solutions for cardiology that provide higher quality of care and contribute at the same time to reducing costs in healthcare. The objective is to diagnose heart diseases more effectively as well as earlier but also to enable new therapies that are more patient-sparing and accelerate treatment. In the advanced heart cath lab, innovative Siemens technology is already used today to replace a growing number of heart valves with a minimally invasive catheter procedure. This and other new procedures are applied primarily in hybrid ORs that combine the advantages of a cath lab with those of an operating theatre. In addition to medical imaging and lab diagnostics, the complete Siemens portfolio for cardiology includes cardiovascular IT solutions together with customer-specific services. A range of information on the newest treatments in cardiology will be made available on a dedicated website after the event [see below]. Innovations at the ESC Latest applications for CT and low-dose scanning in clinical routine with Dual-Source CT Siemens will show new applications to reduce radiation dose and contrast agent in the field of computed tomography, focusing on Dual-Source CT. Special emphasis will also be devoted to the planning of TAVI (Transcatheter Aortic Valve Implantation) procedures with the CT Scanner Somatom Definition Flash and the imaging software syngo.via from Siemens. 3D in angiography: new imaging software simplifies workflow for minimally invasive heart valve implantation Siemens will present a new image processing software that helps cardiologists and cardiac surgeons prepare and perform transcatheter aortic valve implantations (TAVI): Syngo Aortic ValveGuide automatically reconstructs a 3D representation of the aortic root from CT-like cross-sectional images acquired with the angiography system. The software selects anatomical landmarks as the coronary ostia, for instance, and overlays the 3D image with two-dimensional images acquired during live fluoroscopy. That way, the physician obtains real-time, three-dimensional guidance in the patient’s body while navigating the new valve to its intended location. Improved efficiency in routine echocardiography exams Siemens has announced the 1.5 release of its Acuson SC2000 volume imaging ultrasound system at the congress of the ESC. Featuring a number of innovative workflow solutions, the system offers a complete 2D and volume echocardiography system that — on top of excellent imaging performance — offers one-of-a-kind workflow improvements in conventional and real-time volumetric echocardiography. Magnetic Resonance (MR) The Siemens innovations introduced at the ESC for cardiac MR
examinations help implement easier and faster care for patients with
acute and chronic cardiac disease, opening a potentially Per image and text, the new technology leads the examiner step-by-step through complex examinations as well. Examinations can be adjusted to the respective patients with a few mouse clicks. Standardized long and shortaxis slices are generated, for example, based on anatomical landmarks and are available as parameters for subsequent sequences. The combination of Tim and Dot allow for individualized patient treatment and considerably improve the workflows of cardiac MRI examinations. Both technologies are integrated in the two new, recently introduced MR systems, Magnetom Aera (1.5 tesla) and Magnetom Skyra (3 tesla). Nuclear cardiology Siemens solutions for Nuclear Cardiology provide the cardiologist with techniques that facilitate detection of beginning or already manifested coronary heart disease including myocardial infarct and the examinations of abnormalities in global as well as local wall motion. Siemens will highlight cardiology solutions in diagnostic
SPECT-CT and PET-CT imaging with IQ•SPECT technology, and
five-minute SPECT-CT scans with available calcium scoring, and syngo
Dynamic PET with Myocardial Blood Flow, a new cardiac imaging
software application for Syngo Dynamic PET with Myocardial Blood Flow offers a new method for quantitatively evaluating the extent of ischemia via high-performance PETCT imaging and advanced applications. It works by enabling a more definitive measurement of myocardial blood flow during PET perfusion studies compared to regular myocardial perfusion studies. This additional information may have significant impact on the diagnosis of patients with advanced coronary heart disease (CHD) and specifically, those patients with multi-vessel disease, or those who are asymptomatic. Traditional applications in nuclear medicine such as myocardial perfusion are becoming even more effective with the addition of the diagnostic CT in Siemens Symbia TruePoint SPECT-CT. Additionally, IQ•SPECT raises the bar by enabling a comprehensive cardiac evaluation including perfusion, organ-centric magnification, attenuation correction, and calcium scoring in just five minutes. The quick, low-dose spiral CT scan that is currently used to obtain attenuation correction information can also be used as a critical element in the cardiac work-up to screen patients for coronary artery disease. Calcium scoring is an independent indicator of prognosis in CHD and in combination with SPECT may help improve diagnostic confidence. Cardiovascular IT solutions Siemens Cardiovascular IT Solutions optimize clinical workflows
through integration of imaging and information, and are designed to
make healthcare faster, better, and more cost-effective. With The new syngo Dynamics Portal provides customers with the ability to provide fast, high quality image and report access through the web and will automatically make all new cases – both images and reports – available on the web within minutes of completion. Using Microsoft Silverlight, syngo Dynamics Portal users now receive thumbnails, studies, and reports within seconds. Designed to accommodate modern web deployment strategies, syngo Dynamics Portal gives the customer the ability to keep the syngo Dynamics server behind hospital fire walls while deploying the web site itself on a controlled domain. Syngo Dynamics version 9.0 will introduce new administrative tools to enhance the clinical experience, will support additional reductions in report turnaround time, offer real time display of Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), and more. Version 9.0 will also introduce syngo Dynamics Portal Reporting, which provides reporting physicians the ability to remotely access studies, report study findings, sign-off and distribute reports. Finally, Siemens will demonstrate how its latest imaging software
for multimodality reading of clinical cases, syngo.via, places
special focus on reading efficiency through automated case
preparation and structured case navigation across multiple
specialties, including cardiology. It’s the kind of integration that
can only be delivered by Siemens, a trendsetter in medical imaging,
laboratory diagnostics, and medical information technology. It’s
more than just information or New consultation model for cardiology The new consultation approach "Act on Acute Coronary Syndrome" of Siemens is showing customers new ways in evaluating and improving hospital-specific structures and processes. It is based on a systematic model consisting of a data pool that includes medical guidelines, current scientific results, best practice analyses, and profound clinical expertise. Models regarding the level of process maturity have been developed for the complex events of a specific disease - in this case, for acute coronary syndrome. With its comparable use in healthcare Siemens has developed a completely new consultation model in healthcare which opens up new possibilities. The objective of the new approach is to improve both process quality and guideline adherence in hospitals and, as a result, the quality of medical care. Lab diagnostics in cardiology: troponin test and NT-proBNP/BNP
test Patients suffering from heart failure exhibit elevated levels of
BNP (B-type natriuretic peptide). Heart failure can be
differentiated from other disorders with similar symptoms very
quickly by performing a BNP analysis. A reliable and cost-effective
blood analysis tool for diagnosing heart failure is thus available
to physicians in addition to imaging techniques. Siemens also offers
its NTproBNP/BNP assays on all analyzing systems belonging to the
Immulite, Dimension, and Advia At the ESC, Siemens is holding a number of satellite symposia about the newest treatment methods in cardiology. The focus is on the therapy of patients suffering from heart failure, on people with acute chest pain, and patients with severe aortic valve stenosis. Speakers from Europe and the US will present their audience with these topics during lectures and discussions. Interviews with leading cardiologists as well as video tapes of the satellite symposia will be available immediately after the congress at