IntrinsiQ launches
IntelliScribe eprescribing system for medical oncology
18 June 2010
IntrinsiQ, provider of IntelliDose, the leading chemotherapy
management software, has launched IntelliScribe, the first integrated
eprescribing system for medical oncology.
“Oncologists are prescribing an ever increasing number of oral
medications. IntelliScribe gives them the tools to manage all of
their prescribing needs in one location and create a unified
chemotherapy record.”
Oncologists will now be able to manage complex chemotherapy drug
orders — including oral and IV chemotherapy, antiemetics and pain
medications — in one location, as part of the chemotherapy order.
Streamlining practice efficiency, prescribers can conveniently
submit electronic prescriptions while managing chemotherapy
treatments. Every type of drug administered becomes part of the
chemotherapy order: nothing is missed, contraindications are
flagged, and the patient record is complete.
“Oncologists are prescribing an ever increasing number of oral
medications. IntelliScribe gives them the tools to manage all of
their prescribing needs in one location and create a unified
chemotherapy record,” said Andrew Scott, director of product
management, IntelliDose, a division of IntrinsiQ, LLC. “Integrating
e-prescribe with chemotherapy regimen management creates a truly
complete picture of the patient’s treatment history while enhancing
efficiency, safety and ultimately the quality of patient care.”
Available now as a fully integrated component of IntelliDose,
IntelliScribe is a full-featured e-prescribe solution. It can
support all the e-prescribing needs of an entire practice, or for
practices currently e-prescribing through an electronic medical
record (EMR), IntelliScribe complements existing solutions to manage
chemotherapy drug regimens.
“Our patients have a tremendous amount of information to deal
with while receiving their treatment,” said Thomas J. Jean, manager
of Frisbie Memorial Hospital, Center for Cancer Care in Rochester,
New Hampshire. “IntelliScribe is yet another way to improve a
patient’s experience during a time of intense stress. The script is
ordered, verified and sent before the patient leaves the office, and
the prescriptions are ready when they reach the pharmacy. There are
no surprises and everything’s correct.”
“We see as many as 400 patients a day,” said Kathy Ross, practice
administrator of Little Rock Hematology Oncology Associates, one of
the largest private oncology practices in Arkansas. “IntelliScribe
helps us meet e-Prescribe and Meaningful Use requirements and —
along with IntelliDose — significantly enhances our quality of care
and practice efficiency.”
Developed by oncologists to automate even the most complex
aspects of medical oncology, IntelliDose transforms the manual
process of chemotherapy regimen calculations into electronically
verified orders. It allows oncology practices to standardize cancer
treatment pathways, and ensure the highest levels of patient safety
and efficiency practice-wide. IntelliDose interfaces with leading
EMR and hospital information systems, extending existing or planned
technology investments to include cancer patient management.