Ambicare launches light-emitting plaster for skin cancer treatment
12 March 2010
Scottish company Ambicare Health has launched the Ambulight
PDT, a light-emitting skin plaster for the treatment of non-melanoma
skin cancer using 'photodynamic therapy' (PDT).
Ambulight PDT is the world’s first skin cancer treatment using a
small disposable light-emitting sticking plaster worn by the
patient. It is used in conjunction with a pharmaceutical cream that
is applied to the skin. This creates a photosensitive compound in
about three hours, then the special light source is shone on the
area to activate the drug that destroys the skin cancer cells.

The Ambulight PDT
Ambulight PDT enables patients to continue with their normal
daily routine when undergoing PDT treatment. Pilot clinical trials
have also indicated this treatment method has lower pain than
conventional techniques whilst still obtaining an equivalent
Ambicare says PDT treatment avoids the scarring associated with
surgical removal of a tumour and the need for an inpatient hospital
stay. However, conventional PDT treatment still requires the use of
external light sources and often a hospital visit.
Conventional PDT light sources are expensive and cumbersome.
Consequently the use of PDT has largely been limited to hospital
outpatient services where costs can be high and the service
inconvenient for the patient.
The Ambulight PDT light source is taped to the patient's skin and
is small enough to allow movement whilst undergoing PDT treatment.
Once the Ambulight PDT device is attached to the patient and
activated, no further input from medical personnel is required.
The treatment has been used in a pilot clinical trial at
Ninewells Hospital in Dundee and gained EU approval last year.
Ian Muirhead, CEO of Ambicare Health said, “The Ambulight PDT is
the most advanced ambulatory PDT device to treat non-melanoma skin
cancer to be developed to date. We believe that it is the future for
this kind of treatment; Ambulight PDT will reduce costs for the
healthcare provider by freeing up hospital day patient beds or
cubicles and improve patient care by allowing them to continue with
their normal daily lives during treatment."