Northampton Hospital revamps nuclear medicine department
11 February 2010
Northampton General Hospital NHS Trust has revamped its
Nuclear Medicine department with the installation of state-of-the-art
imaging equipment from Siemens Healthcare.
A Symbia S SPECT and Symbia T2 TruePoint SPECTCT hybrid plus a
for nuclear cardiology have extended the range of diagnostic procedures
offered. The systems have been installed at new premises on the hospital
site to provide an advanced service.
The Nuclear Medicine department covers a range of diagnostic and
monitoring needs, including oncology. The hybrid Symbia T2 combines a
variable angle dual detector SPECT with a 2-slice CT for superior image
quality and versatility. Its installation has enabled the Trust to take
on additional patients and maximise the benefits of two high quality
systems in one.
The installation of Siemens’ means that patients will no longer
have to travel to another hospital for nuclear cardiology scans.
Featuring an open and patient-friendly design, the unit will be used to
assess chest pain to make sure patients are referred for the most
appropriate tests.
“In our department we see a lot of repeat patients due to the type of
scans we offer. It’s been great to see the reaction of our regular
visitors and they have noticed a big difference during scans,” said Sue
Wilson, Head of Nuclear Medicine at Northampton General Hospital.
“The images we see are of a very high quality and provide us with
greater depth of information. The hybrid SPECTCT is the most appropriate
option for our patient mix and has enabled us to keep up with the latest
“Northampton General Hospital’s new Nuclear Medicine department has
enabled the Trust to reduce referrals and offer an advanced diagnostic
service in-house to patients,” said Graham Walker, Regional Sales and
Corporate Business Manager at Siemens Healthcare. “Compatibility with
other systems means that the department can work smoothly alongside
other areas of the hospital.”