One-day course on innovative medical devices and medical technology

3 June 2009

The Institute of Nanotechnology is running a one-day interactive Workshop on innovative medical devices and medical technology on Wednesday 8 July 2009 in collaboration with the University of Sheffield at the North Campus of the University.

The course provides a showcase of innovative and exciting new medical technologies developed both at the University and by a number of locally-based companies.

Topics to be covered include:

  • new optical and lensless imaging techniques;
  • sensing technologies to aid mobility of diabetics with foot ulcers
    novel diagnostics for cervical and other cancers;
  • advances in polymer technologies for regenerative medicine;
  • third-generation therapeutic proteins; and
  • high-throughput technologies for drug discovery and screening.

This Workshop will be invaluable for clinicians, medical researchers, students, industry experts, those involved in innovation activities and technology transfer, healthcare managers and others interested in learning about how innovation in medical technologies is leading to a range of novel and effective therapies, treatments and tools.

Presenters include:
Dr Richard Ross, Asterion Technologies, Sheffield
Dr Malcolm Wilkinson, Kirkstall Limited, Sheffield
Dr Ian Pykett, Phase Focus Limited, Sheffield
Dr Jim Freeth, Retrogenix Limited, Sheffield
Dr Paolo Ferreira dos Santos, Tomorrow Options, Sheffield
Dr Sameer Kothari, Zilico Limited, Sheffield
Professor Ian Douglas, School of Clinical Dentistry, Sheffield
Professor Paul Hatton, University of Sheffield
Professor Mimoun Azzouz, University of Sheffield
Dr Steve Matcher, University of Sheffield
Dr Beppe Battaglia, Kroto Research Institute
Richard Moore, Institute of Nanotechnology

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