Cambridge University research group employs Fluidigm’s EP1
genotyping system for cancer studies
16 February 2009
The Cancer Research UK Centre for Genetic Epidemiology, University of
Cambridge, based at Strangeways Research Laboratory has purchased a
Fluidigm EP1 genotyping system to conduct cancer research and disease
association studies.
The Fluidigm EP1 system gives the efficiencies of integrated fluidic
circuit (IFC)-based high-throughput genotyping in a desktop-sized
The Centre for Genetic Epidemiology is using high-throughput SNP
genotyping to identify and verify genetic variants that can underlie
susceptibility to various cancers. Cancers that are being investigated
include breast, ovarian, colorectal, prostate, and melanoma.
The lab uses an automated process with sample tracking and quality
control. The Centre has successfully completed its validation
experiments on the EP1 system using real samples and will now move
forward using the system in its large genotyping studies.
“With a high-throughput genotyping lab already in place here at
Strangeways, Fluidigm’s integrated fluidic circuits offered us an
exciting new technology where we could use reliable TaqMan chemistry
with the added ability of assaying 96 SNPs at a time,” said Craig
Luccarini, Senior Technical Officer, Strangeways Research Laboratory.
“Piloting of the EP1 system generated data of good quality and the
system fitted well in our lab as a robust process, capable of genotyping
thousands of DNA samples, all at a competitive cost per genotype.”
“The Centre for Genetic Epidemiology is undertaking important
research focusing on understanding the determinants of common disease
and how to prevent them. Their work can make a noteworthy difference in
people’s lives,” said Gajus Worthington, Fluidigm president and chief
executive officer. “We believe the attributes of our EP1 system can help
them speed toward the answers they seek.”
Strangeways Research Laboratory is known for its exploration
surrounding identification and prevention of common diseases with a
genetic component. They use a wide range of disciplines relevant to a
given field, and bring together researchers in epidemiology, molecular
genetics, bioinformatics, statistics and public health. This
interdisciplinary approach is a particular strength of Strangeways
Research Laboratory.
Fluidigm’s EP1 system, combined with the company’s IFCs called
dynamic arrays, provide superior data quality, a fast and easy workflow,
and significant cost savings for high-throughput SNP genotyping studies.
The EP1 system delivers SNP genotyping results with better than 99
percent call rates and 99.75 percent or greater accuracy. All of this is
achieved with an easy-to-use, high-throughput workflow that can provide
up to 9,216 data points per IFC with results in just four hours.
The EP1 system, which includes the IFC Controller, Stand-Alone
Thermal Cycler and End Point Reader, provides over 27,000 genotypes a
day. By adding more IFC controllers and thermal cyclers to be used in
conjunction with a single EP1 Reader, laboratories can generate more
than 200,000 genotypes in a day using TaqMan chemistries.
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