BioGenes designated partner in EU-funded dementia project
4 February 2009
Berlin-based BioGenes GmbH, a specialist in sophisticated antibody
development, has been chosen as a new partner of cNEUPRO. cNEUPRO is a
EU-funded research project to analyse neurodegenerative diseases and
discover novel biomarkers, and so improve early and differential
diagnosis of Alzheimer’s dementia.
BioGenes will provide laboratory facilities and key personnel to
develop specific monoclonal antibodies against novel neurochemical
dementia biomarkers in blood and cerebrospinal fluid that have been
identified during the project. These monoclonal antibodies may not only
be used for diagnostics, but also have potential as therapeutic agents
since they may access the CNS space.
Reliable differential clinical diagnosis of very early dementia
stages is crucial for choosing the most effective therapeutic strategy.
Recent research has demonstrated that multiparametric neurochemical
dementia diagnostics (NDD) in cerebrospinal fluid does improve early and
differential diagnosis of dementias.
cNEUPRO will establish European standard operation procedures (SOPs)
for NDD and first NDD reference centres in Portugal and Hungary. cNEUPRO
unites the forces of nineteen biotech and bioinformatic companies as
well as leading clinical and proteomic dementia research centres.
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