First successful use of Sorin's new pediatric oxygenator and
arterial filter
29 September 2008
The Sorin Group (MIL:SRN) has announced the first successful uses in
the US of its newest pediatric devices for cardiovascular surgery. The
Dideco KIDS D101 Paediatric Oxygenator and the Dideco KIDS D131
Pediatric Arterial Filter have now been successfully used by Children’s
Medical Center Dallas during dozens of cardiac surgery procedures for
The Dideco KIDS D101 oxygenator provides pediatric patients with a
dedicated artificial lung for short-term use during surgery. Designed to
minimize hemodilution and reduce foreign surface area exposure, the D101
is specially proportioned to the pediatric patient. Its low surface area
results in a more balanced oxygen and carbon dioxide transfer, and the
innovative D101 design has the low priming volume of 87 mls while
addressing the cardiopulmonary bypass needs of pediatric patients.
“With this new addition, our pediatric family of perfusion systems is
optimized for an extremely large range of patients, delivering
unprecedented clinical flexibility for perfusionists and improved safety
for their patients,” said Michel Darnaud, President, Cardiopulmonary
Business Unit and Intercontinental, Sorin Group.
Ronald Gorney, PA-C, CCP, the chief perfusionist at Children’s
Medical Center Dallas, used the D101 in the open-heart, modified Fontan
operation. Gorney and the surgical team were the first in the nation to
use the Dideco D101 oxygenator. “The Dideco oxygenator is advanced in
its ability to keep the patient alive by replacing lung function,” he
said. “Because the device is specific to the pediatric patient, it is an
ideal component to cardiovascular surgery for children.”
One of every 100 babies in the US is born with a heart defect. Many
die in infancy. But with advances in cardiac technology and life-saving
devices like the Dideco D101 and D131, young patients with heart defects
have a very hopeful future.
The Dideco KIDS D131 Pediatric Arterial Filter is designed to remove
potentially harmful gaseous emboli, aggregated blood constituents and
particulate debris greater than 40 microns from the arterial line.
Gorney recently used the D131 on a patient weighing 19.4 kg. “Because
their size is matched to the patient, incorporating the D101 and D131 in
a recent atrial septal defect surgery provided an alternative to a blood
transfusion”, Gorney said. “It is often requested that the operating
physician avoid blood transfusions, and using devices designed
specifically for pediatric patients makes it possible”, he continued.
The Sorin Group’s family of FDA-cleared pediatric oxygenators and
arterial filters help physicians and surgical teams realize a better
solution in cardiac surgery for children.
The Dideco KIDS D101 Pediatric Oxygenator and the Dideco KIDS D131
Pediatric Arterial Filter is distributed in the United States by Sorin
Group USA, Inc.