Philips releases new version of Xcelera cardiology system
18 May 2008
Royal Philips Electronics (NYSE: PHG; AEX: PHI) has begun shipping a
new version of its Xcelera cardiology image management, analysis and
reporting solution.
The new Xcelera R2.2 offers enhanced functionality and greater
workflow efficiency, helping caregivers manage the multitude of
examinations and procedures their patients undergo while receiving
cardiac care.
It offers improved support for imaging studies and data from key
cardiac subspecialties including cardiac catheterization and
cardiovascular ultrasound, and additionally supports nuclear cardiology,
cardiac CT, cardiac MRI, and electrophysiology. It also provides access
to relevant electrocardiograms (ECGs) from market-leading ECG management
systems from multiple vendors.
Prof Dr Eckart Fleck, director of internal medicine and cardiology at
the German Heart Institute in Berlin said, “With the new solution, staff
members can instantly review all cardiac exams patients have had and,
with the click of a button, open and review these studies without going
to other workstations elsewhere in the hospital. Having a singular
workstation to review cardiac patient studies is very powerful and we
can also eliminate the need to continue purchasing, upgrading and
supporting dedicated IT systems for each cardiac modality.”
Ronald Tabaksblat, vice president and general manager of the
cardiology informatics business for Philips Healthcare said, “This
achievement marks the second major Xcelera release in less than a year.
As evidenced by our recent acquisition of Tomcat Systems of Belfast,
Ireland, we are committed to being a long-term trusted partner for all
of our cardiology customers.”