London neuroimaging centre boosts brain research with Siemens 1.5 Tesla
MR scanner
12 December 20007 Birkbeck/UCL Centre for NeuroImaging (BUCNI), formed
by a joint venture between the School of Psychology at Birkbeck College and
the Department of Psychology at University College London (UCL), has made a
significant investment in its research capabilities by installing a Siemens
Magnetom Avanto Tim 1.5 Tesla MRI scanner. The scanner is located in the
newly renovated NeuroImaging Centre, where students and researchers are
mapping the human brain’s organization for perception and action. Funded
by a joint Science Research Investment Fund grant to Birkbeck College and
UCL, the Siemens 1.5 Tesla MRI scanner allows scientists to observe activity
in the brain non-invasively and enhances their understanding of human
cognition and behaviour. The scanner provides imaging that identifies
where the brain is processing information and giving commands to the body.
Research is currently being carried out into auditory functions, including
how sound is perceived and organised in the brain to investigate, for
example, how we learn languages.
The scanner offers the highest resolution image quality that will help to
improve learning, teaching and ultimately, medical research capabilities. It
also provides an interdisciplinary research environment that combines the
development of structural and functional neuromapping, offering true
collaboration between physics, neuroscience, and psychology. Marty Sereno,
Director of BUCNI, says: “We are excited at the opportunities the Avanto Tim
1.5 Tesla MRI scanner brings us. To understand the human brain presents one
of the greatest challenges to science. Research can’t stand still, so an
investment of this magnitude in scanning equipment of the highest
specification produced by Siemens marks a significant collaborative step in
the advancement of neurological science.”
Jayesh Odedra, London Sales Executive at Siemens Medical Solutions said:
“Major advances in science are often borne out of similar advances in
technology and in this scanner we have engineered a piece of equipment which
is at the leading edge of imaging technology. We are delighted to be
collaborating with some of the UK’s best researchers, scientists, students
and teachers in the evolution of medical research.” To top
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