im3D's CAD-Colon diagnostic system deployed in hospitals across Italy
12 September 2007 Torino, Italy. im3D Medical Imaging Lab, a research
centre based in Torino, Italy has installed its CAD-Colon diagnostic system
in thirteen healthcare facilities throughout Italy. The system, which is the
centre's first commercial product, is being used to support medical
specialists in the early diagnosis and prevention of colorectal tumours.
CAD-Colon is a fast, intuitive and accurate diagnostic system that utilizes
CT scans of a patient's abdomen and pelvis to create a 3-D model of the
patient's colon in which suspect areas are automatically identified and
highlighted. Thanks to its powerful identification algorithms which detect
suspect areas in an accurate, simple and user-friendly way, CAD-Colon can
assist the radiologist increase diagnostic accuracy and reduce the overall
reading time. CAD-Colon is the result of over 5 years of multidisciplinary
research conducted in Italy by im3D – Medical Imaging Lab, with
contributions from clinical partners, including the Institute for Cancer
Research and Treatment (Candiio) and the ISI Foundation — Institute for
Scientific Interchange (Torino). The system is primarily used as a
prevention test in at-risk patients (family history of colon cancer), as a
follow-up tool for examining post-op patients, and as a training system for
the continuing education and formation of young specialists. CAD-Colon also
supports endoscopic probing for polyp removal and is a viable alternative in
cases when endoscopies are not feasible due to occlusions or malformations.
Colon cancer is the second largest cause of cancer-related deaths in the
western world in both males (after lung cancer) and females (after breast
cancer). The characteristics of this disease (family history/familial,
absence of symptoms and increased risk for patients over 50) make prevention
the most important weapon for hindering the onset of colorectal cancer in
medium-to-high risk patients. To top
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