GE Healthcare and IntrinsiQ to integrate cancer treatment system with
patient records
7 June 2007 Chicago, USA. GE Healthcare and cancer care software
supplier IntrinsiQ, LLC are to collaborate to integrate IntrinsiQ's cancer
treatment information system with GE's Centricity electronic medical record
(EMR) system. IntrinsiQ’s IntelliDose software automates the complex
process of chemotherapy order entry and minimizes the potential for error by
producing legible, complete and electronically checked orders. Interfacing
these capabilities with GE’s Centricity electronic medical record solution
will help provide users with information about patients undergoing
chemotherapy, including drug administration records and nurse notes.
“Merging yet another key piece of patient data within our Centricity EMR
solution demonstrates our commitment to providing comprehensive clinical
information systems for our providers and their patients,” said Stephen
Gorman, vice president and general manager for GE Healthcare Integrated IT
Solutions. Administration of chemotherapy requires precision and accuracy
in a busy clinical setting. According to Bill Wisotzkey, General Manager for
IntrinsiQ’s IntelliDose Solutions, IntrinsiQ’s technology can help automate
this process while offering tools for error checking —ultimately helping to
improve overall patient safety. Studies have shown that chemotherapy
errors can be traced to a variety of issues related to human error,
procedural flaws and lack of standardization. “IntelliDose is designed to
help automate the administration of chemotherapy using practice-specific
standards including automated error checking features that meet the
recommendations of the Institute of Medicine report for safe medical
practice,” said Wisotzkey. “Previously chemotherapy treatment was
calculated and documented using pen and paper,” said Simeon Schwartz, MD,
chief executive officer of Westchester Medical Group. “Not only was this
extremely inefficient but more importantly it could lead to potential human
error. By interfacing our Centricity EMR system with the Intellidose
software, our practice has virtually gone from the Flintstones to the
Jetsons in a matter of weeks.” “We’re thrilled to offer the IntelliDose
product suite within one of the industry’s leading EMR systems to help us
improve overall patient care,” said Wisotzkey. “Bringing comprehensive
patient information to the clinicians’ fingertips along with the IntrinsiQ
tools and alerts to assist them in better decision making is how the
combination of medicine and information technology will transform today’s
healthcare system.” To top