Personal ECG heart monitor on sale to public in UK
17 October 2006 London, UK. Medick Healthcare has launched what it
claims is the first intelligent personal ECG (electrocardiogram) heart
monitor for sale to the general public in the UK. Using neural network
software, The MHM 100 personal heart monitor monitors the rhythm of the
heart in real time, and allows users to directly see the impact of
everything from smoking and caffeine through to exercise on the heart’s
performance. The company says the heart monitor is being backed by a
number of the country’s leading physicians including Professor Brian
Glenville and the company’s medical advisory board includes a number of the
world’s top cardiologists. Buyers have access to a cardiology centre via a
web based subscription service to analyse the reports generated by the
monitor (£12 per month for six expert analyses per year).
The MHM 100 monitor uses three electrodes to capture the heart’s rhythms
for up to 8 hours at a time and requires no specialist medical knowledge to
use it. The product has been developed to allow people who either already
have a heart condition or are worried about developing a potential heart
condition to monitor the rhythms of their heart as they go about their daily
routine. Until now, such monitoring would usually require a visit to a GP or
hospital. The monitor is also ideal for those concerned about a partner or
family member who may be at risk from cardiovascular disease. The
subscription-based reporting service features an easy to understand traffic
light system and allows users to download the results of their tests. The
reports are analysed by physicians who specialise in the reading of
ambulatory ECGs. Furthermore if any specific issues are identified, the
report is then passed to a cardiologist for further analysis. In addition,
MHM 100 users can view their heartbeat on the monitor’s built in display or
download the results of the test onto a computer and view the waveforms.
This latter feature is especially useful for those who do have a Heart
condition and wish to learn more about how to best manage their condition
and performance of their Heart. The MHM 100 is capable of detecting a wide
range of potentially serious arrhythmias such as tachycardia (including VT),
bradycardia, atrial and ventricular ectopics, pauses, and AF, as well as ST
segment depression events. According to leading physician Professor Brian
Glenville, “This is a real breakthrough for the public and doctors alike and
will enable the public to assume much greater responsibility for monitoring
the health of their hearts.
“The reports and readouts produced by the MHM 100 offer a similar level of
depth and insight to professional devices. Anyone taking a report from this
device to their GP can do so confident in the knowledge that it provides all
of the key indicators a Doctor would expect to see on an ECG.” Kay Patton,
Managing Director of Medick Healthcare said, “More than 10 years of research
and development have gone into this device and it offers a real breakthrough
for people concerned about the risk of heart disease. At a time when the
Government is spending millions to educate the public on adopting healthier
lifestyles we believe this device could play a key role in helping the
Government achieve its goal of reducing the risk of heart disease in the
UK.” To top