Cromwell Hospital first in UK to order Elekta's new stereotactic
radiosurgery system
9 July 2006 Stockholm, Sweden. Cromwell Hospital will be the first
medical centre in the UK to commission Elekta's new system for stereotactic
radiosurgery in the brain, cervical spine and head & neck regions. The
hospital confirmed the order for the Leksell Gamma Knife Perfexion in July.
"The Gamma Knife Centre at Cromwell Hospital has been a success, with over
one thousand patients treated since inauguration in 1998, benefiting British
and over seas patients," says Professor Christer Lindquist, MD, PhD,
Director of the Gamma Knife Centre at Cromwell Hospital and a Gamma Knife
pioneer together with Professor Lars Leksell in the 1970's and 80's.
"Leksell Gamma Knife Perfexion is a quantum leap in dosimetry, ease of use
as well as patient and staff comfort. By installing the new Gamma Knife at
our centre, we will be able to provide more conformal treatment options in
less time, automate the record and verify procedure, dramatically improve
patient throughput and treat lesions which previously could not be reached."
"At Cromwell Hospital, our aim is to provide the best possible care using
the most up-to-date technology available. Our Leksell Gamma Knife unit was
the first in London and has over the years been an important tool for our
clinicians. It has enabled our patients to choose a non-invasive form of
neurosurgery which usually allows them to return to their normal lifestyle
the following day. For Cromwell Hospital, being Britain's leading private
hospital with the greatest range of technology of any independent hospital
in the UK, it was a natural decision to upgrade our standard of care by
acquiring Leksell Gamma Knife Perfexion," said Professor Keith Britton,
Chairman of the Board of Directors at Cromwell Hospital. The Leksell Gamma
Knife Perfexion was introduced to the neurosurgery and radiation oncology
communities at the 13th International Leksell Gamma Knife Society Meeting,
in Seoul, Korea on May 21-25, 2006 and the initial response has been
overwhelmingly positive. "We are very pleased to receive the order to
supply Professor Lindquist and his colleagues at Cromwell Hospital with the
first Leksell Gamma Knife Perfexion in the UK and one of the first in
Europe," said Olof Sanden, Regional Vice President and head of Elekta's
Sales, Marketing & Service in Europe.
The first installation was carried out at Hopital de la Timone
(University Hospital La Timone) in Marseille, France in early July and
clinical treatment commenced on July 10, with 10 patients successfully
treated in the first week of operation. The Leksell Gamma Knife Perfexion
is subject to regulatory clearance in North America. To top