New training tool for interventional cardiologists
17 July 2006 Uppsala, Sweden. is a new web-based teaching
tool for interventional cardiologists, interventional technicians, nurses,
and catheterization-lab staff. Sponsored by Swedish company Radi Medical
Systems, it consists of narrated, interactive case studies from leading
cardiologists demonstrating the proper use of fractional flow reserve (FFR)
measurement techniques, which physicians use during interventions to assess
lesion severity. The interactive cases also demonstrate the versatility of
FFR measurement, which aids clinical decision making not only in cases that
involve intermediate lesions but also in cases that have traditionally
resulted in bypass surgery or unnecessary multiple stent placement. "It is
critical for interventional physicians to understand the proper use of
stents, especially in light of recent concerns about DES thrombosis," noted
John McB. Hodgson, MD, Senior Editor for and head of Academic
Cardiology at St. Joseph's Hospital and Medical Center in Phoenix, Arizona.
"Use of FFR should not be considered optional but rather the norm." illustrates FFR use in specific areas, including Multivessel
Disease and Tandem Lesions, Side Branch Narrowing, Pre-op Evaluation for
Non-Cardiac Surgery, Multivessel Disease, Post Bypass, Post Stenting, and a
variety of other scenarios. A "guess the FFR" exercise allows users to
compare the use of FFR techniques against traditional angiography. A
discussion forum, which allows registered members to interact with peers and
top interventional cardiologists, is also under development. "Radi is
happy to support a new FFR training tool that's based on interactive,
evidence-based case studies, said Anders Qvarnstrom, Chief Operating Officer
for Radi Medical Systems. Radi manufactures the PressureWire system, which
measures FFR for physiological lesion assessment. MultiWeb, a company that
specializes in interactive online learning programs for cardiovascular
health professionals, used an unrestricted grant from Radi Medical Systems,
Inc. to develop The site currently features cases from Dr.
Hodgson and other leading cardiologists, including William Fearon, MD;
Morton J. Kern, MD; Peter Ver Lee, MD; Michael Lim, MD; and Habib Samady,
MD. New clinical cases will be added to To