Italian National Cancer Institute chooses Ablatherm-HIFU to treat
prostate cancer
23 May 2006 Lyon, France. The Italian National Cancer Institute, Centro
Referimento Oncologico (CRO), in cooperation with Pordenone Hospital in
Aviano has chosen the Ablatherm-HIFU technology from EDAP TMS S.A.
(NASDAQ:EDAP) for the treatment of prostate cancer. CRO is one of the
largest oncology centers in Italy and represents a cooperative approach
between radiotherapists, oncologists and urologists in the treatment of
prostate cancer. The centre will be using the Ablatherm-HIFU unit on EDAP's
revenue per procedure (RPP) model. Ablatherm-HIFU technology was selected
after an extensive review of clinical data demonstrating its best-in-class
technology and consistent clinical follow-up. During a symposium event at
the recent 2006 European Association of Urology Congress in Paris, Professor
U. Tirelli of CRO described the reasons for electing to pursue
Ablatherm-HIFU as a therapeutic offering.
Pr. Tirelli's presentation indicated Ablatherm-HIFU represents a future
non-invasive gold standard in treating non-surgical patients with localized
prostate cancer and is possibly today the best solution for salvage
treatment of patients suffering a recurrence following radiation failure.
The centre's evaluations also concluded that Ablatherm-HIFU represented a
very safe therapeutic approach without the common side effects observed
after surgery and radiation. Professor Tirelli stated, "Medical
oncologists are often seen as arbitrators between surgical and radiotherapy
options for patients with localized prostate cancer. Ablatherm-HIFU is a
very attractive approach in many cases due to solid results and low side
effects as clearly demonstrated in the medical studies done to date.
"At our cancer institution, both surgeons and radiotherapists are
concordant for the introduction of HIFU in the management of our patients
with localized, locally advanced and locally recurrent prostate cancer. With
more than half of patients diagnosed over the age of 70, which frequently
excludes them from surgical options, and additional patients wishing to
avoid surgery or radiation, Ablatherm-HIFU represents an important
therapeutic tool.
"Ablatherm-HIFU also now offers a new gold standard in the treatment of
patients who failed radiation therapy as it offers a curative approach with
strong efficacy and low side effects compared to current therapies. We
believe urologists and their patients will be attracted to our center in
performing treatment due to this new and uniquely beneficial offering."
"We are pleased to begin offering service at such an important center," said
Sergio Pontecorvi, General Manager of EDAP Technomed Italy. "CRO has done an
extensive evaluation of HIFU technology and concluded the Ablatherm- HIFU is
the strongest device in the treatment of localized prostate cancer due to
its extensive clinical experience now stretching over 10 years.
"We are pleased to learn of their desire to offer Ablatherm-HIFU as a new
gold standard in not only non-invasive treatment of localized prostate
cancer, but also in the treatment of locally recurrent prostate cancer. By
offering Ablatherm-HIFU therapy in their treatment mix, the center at Aviano
will be able to attract a larger number of patients seeking its uniquely
minimal impact on their quality of life.
"We believe this desire coupled with the readily accessible revenue per
procedure model will allow us to reach a broader number of patients in the
future." To top