Chinese breast cancer program selects iCAD computer-aided detection
12 December 2005
The Chinese Anti-Cancer Association has chosen the SecondLook
computer-aided breast cancer detection from iCAD for its "Million Women
Breast Cancer Screening" program.
Computer–aided detection (CAD) uses artificial intelligence, enhanced
image processing, pattern recognition, mathematical formulas and statistical
computations to detect and mark suspicious areas on a mammography image. It
serves as a “second pair of eyes” for the radiologist and adds a layer of
quality assurance by helping them detect more cancers earlier, reduce the
amount of treatment needed by earlier detection and save lives.
Breast cancer is a growing women's health issue in China, and the Million
Women Breast Cancer Screening program is intended to increase early
detection throughout the world's most populous nation. The Chinese
Anti-Cancer Association has entered into a five-year agreement with iCAD's
reseller in China for a minimum of one hundred SecondLook film-based CAD
iCAD has received the first order under this agreement, in the amount of
approximately $426,000, for twenty film-based CAD systems that are designed
and configured for the Chinese agency. The Company expects these systems to
be shipped to the customer this month.
"We are particularly pleased," observed Scott Parr, President and CEO of
iCAD, Inc., "to join with the Chinese Anti-Cancer Association in creating a
new and growing awareness of the risks of breast cancer and in improving the
early detection and treatment of such cancer throughout China, a nation of
1.3 billion people."
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