Photoselective vaporisation of the prostate shown to be effective
28 September 2005
San Jose, Calif. USA. A study on the long-term outcomes of men treated
with photoselective vaporisation of the prostate (PVP) for benign prostatic
hyperplasia (BPH) using the Laserscope GreenLight (TM) laser system has
shown significant and sustainable improvements in the outcomes of patients.
The study, conducted at the Mayo Clinic by Dr. Reza Malek, was published
in the October 2005 issue of the Journal of Urology.
Long-term study methodology and results
The Mayo Clinic study evaluated 94 patients suffering from obstructive
BPH who were treated with PVP using Laserscope's GreenLight (TM) laser
system and disposable fibre optic delivery devices. All of the patients
studied were candidates for standard transurethral resection of the prostate
(TURP) and exhibited significant obstructive urinary tract symptoms.
"The results of our study demonstrate significant and sustainable
improvements in the outcomes of patients suffering from obstructive BPH,"
said Dr. Reza S. Malek, lead author of the study and Professor Emeritus of
Urology who pioneered and performed PVP in this cohort of patients at the
Mayo Clinic. "Given that PVP has a well established record for safety, low
morbidity and rapid recovery, we are very pleased to reinforce its
contribution as an effective, long-term treatment solution for many men
suffering from obstructive BPH."
"Until now, the medical community did not have peer-reviewed follow-up
data at these time frames for patients who had been treated with PVP. This
study validates our strong belief that the procedure is a viable treatment
option for sufferers of BPH that provides long-lasting, positive results,"
said Eric Reuter, President and Chief Executive Officer of Laserscope.
"There is no other technology that we are aware of for treating BPH that can
demonstrate these kinds of clinical outcomes, speed, and safety profile with
this kind of durability. PVP is quickly becoming the treatment of choice
because it is safe and effective, and we now have additional evidence that
PVP provides lasting relief from the symptoms related to BPH."
National Heal BPH initiative launched
In conjunction with the publication of this important study, Laserscope
and the Men's Health Network today announced the "Heal BPH" initiative to
provide men with in-depth information about BPH including symptoms, causes
and diagnosis, treatment options, frequently asked questions, physician
locator and other informative resources. Additional information and timely
topics will be explored, including the relationship between erectile
dysfunction (ED) and other medical conditions such as cardiovascular
disease, metabolic syndrome (pre-diabetes), and lower urinary tract
symptoms, which are often caused by BPH. The initiative will also include
seminars held in major cities throughout the country.
"We're pleased that Laserscope has chosen to partner with the Men's
Health Network to help increase the understanding and awareness of BPH among
men and their partners," said Cece Dorough, MSW and Marketing Manager of the
Men's Health Network. "The 'Heal BPH' campaign is in alignment with our
mission to improve the health and wellness of men by linking them to the
best health care resources available."
The initiative was developed in consultation with Dr. Kevin Billups, MD,
an internationally recognized expert in the fields of Urology and Sexual
Health, and author of a soon-to-be published book on Erectile Dysfunction as
an early indicator of cardiovascular disease and other medical problems
related to men's health.
"The 'Heal BPH' initiative presented an excellent opportunity to expand
the dialogue surrounding the role that conditions such as BPH and ED play in
our evolving understanding of cardiovascular disease," said Dr. Billups.
"This campaign is meant to empower men with the information needed to better
understand and deal with the long-term implications of BPH and erectile
difficulty for their overall cardiovascular health."
"Heal BPH" campaign materials and resources are available online at or in the USA patients
can speak directly to a "Heal BPH" representative at 1-866-HEAL BPH.
About BPH and the GreenLight Laser System
Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia or BPH is a non-cancerous enlargement of the
prostate that restricts urine flow. With age and time, this enlargement
places pressure on the urethra, causing problems with urination and in some
cases, complete urinary pathway obstruction. It is estimated that half of
all men over the age of 50 will develop this condition and by the age of 70,
80% will experience some form of urinary symptoms.
Laserscope's GreenLight (TM) laser system is a minimally invasive
surgical procedure that uses a high-powered laser to vaporize and remove
enlarged prostate tissue. To date, more than 90,000 PVP procedures have been
successfully performed worldwide.
About The Men's Health Network
Men's Health Network (MHN) is a non-profit educational organization
comprised of physicians, researchers, public health workers, individuals and
other health professionals. MHN is committed to improving the health and
wellness of men through education campaigns, partnerships with retailers and
other private entities, workplace health programs, data collection, and work
with health care providers to provide better programs and funding for men's
health needs.
More information about the Men's Health Network can be found at
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