Shock wave therapy gives remarkable results in wound healing and curing
myocardial diseases
8 June 2005
Vienna, Austria. Effective, non-invasive and practically without side
effects, extracorporeal shock wave therapy has demonstrated impressive
results not only in orthopaedics and traumatology, but also in treating
fresh and chronic wounds as well as circulatory disorders of the myocardial
muscle. These findings were presented at the ISMST-Congress in Vienna,
Austria (May 30/31, 2005). The event was sponsored by the Austrian Social
Insurance for Occupational Risks.
Surveys of lobe circulation and burn models on rats at the
Universitatsklinik Innsbruck, Austria, have shown that shock wave therapy
outclasses all previously applied treatments. Thus shock waves became a
treatment of common skin ailments like chronic ulcers, bedsores and poorly
healing and infected wounds or burns. A pilot project conducted in Vienna
and Berlin from September 2004 to January 2005 involving more than 100
patients resulted in more than 80 percent of skin lesions reaching complete
healing, 11 percent showed a success greater than 50 percent.
By applying shock waves in experiments using pigs, Japanese researchers
achieved surprising results — a neoplasm of blood vessels in the heart was
observed. The first clinical applications on humans in Europe confirmed
these results — the circulation of the myocardial muscle improved, the
number of heart attacks decreased.
Scientists assume a bio-chemical effect that initiates growth in blood
vessels and releases growth factors, thereby causing chronically aggrieved
tissue to heal.
Prof. Dr. Ching-Jen Wang (Kaoshiung, Taiwan) demonstrated a "biological
response" to shock wave therapy — various proteins responsible for healing
processes ("growth factors") are created, which cause an increased
integration of newly formed blood vessels as well as new growth of tissue,
thereby triggering the healing process — better circulation of the
myocardial muscle, new bone formation and formation of new skin on lesions.
Dr. Wolfgang Schaden, ISMST General Secretary,
Source: International Society for Muscolosceletal Shockwave Therapie (ISMST)
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