Arrhythmia Research Technology, to sponsor satellite session at
ISHNE/ISE congress in Gdansk
7 March 2005
FITCHBURG, Mass, USA. Arrhythmia Research Technology, Inc. (ART) will
sponsor a satellite session, "Signal Averaged ECG — Is SAECG Back?" at the
combined ISHNE/ISE congress in Gdansk, Poland on June 3, 2005. The Joint
Congress of the International Society for Holter and Noninvasive
Electrocardiology (ISHNE) and the International Society of Electrocardiology
(ISE) will take place in Gdansk from June 2 through June 4 and marks the
first joint congress of the two societies devoted to the advancement of
research, science and education in the field of electrocardiology.
A signal-averaged electrocardiogram detects cardiac microvolt signals.
Signal-averaging, which improves the signal to noise ratio, is the only
means to detect and analyze such cardiac microvolt signals. High resolution
acquisition equipment is used to collect the microvolt signals and transfer
the data to an analytical system. Software, such as the ART's patented
Predictor® software, embedded in the device then analyzes and filters the
data to present the signal-averaged ECG (SAECG) for interpretation by the
The most commonly demonstrated use for SAECG is the ability to predict
the likelihood of sustained ventricular tachycardia, ventricular
fibrillation, and sudden cardiac death (SCD) in patients with post
myocardial infarction (MI). The most important aspect of SAECG is its
ability to predict those who will not experience these events. SAECG is
recommended for patients recovering from myocardial infarction to help
determine their risk for developing sustained ventricular tachyarrhythmia's
(VT) that could lead to sudden cardiac death. Specifically, SAECG have been
demonstrated to have predictive values in the following areas:
Stratification of risk of sustained ventricular tachyarrhythmia's in
patients recovering from myocardial infarction; identification of patients
with ischemic (inadequate blood supply) heart disease; assessment of risk of
sudden cardiac death and predictive value of the need for an implantable
cardiac defibrillator (ICD) in patients with coronary artery disease.
Wojciech Zareba, MD, PHD, FACC, Associate Professor of Medicine (Cardiology)
at the University of Rochester, Chairman of the Scientific Committee of the
Congress and President Elect of ISHNE will present "SAECG in Risk
Stratification for ICD Therapy" at the satellite session. Dr. Zareba was in
charge of ECG core lab for the Multicenter Automatic Defibrillator
Implantation Trial II (MADIT II) and currently runs the ECG core lab for the
North American ARVD Registry (22 enrolling centers) as well as for the
MADIT-CRT (100 enrolling centers). Also presenting at the session, which is
being co-chaired by Dr. Gunter Breithardt (Germany) and Dr. Nabil El-Sherif
(USA), are Dr. Vinzenz Hombach (Germany), "Delayed Activation and
Ventricular Arrhythmias: SAECG Link", Dr. Jonathan Steinberg (USA), "P-Wave
Averaging to Identify Risk of Atrial Fibrillation" and Dr. Frank Marcus
(USA), SAECG in ARVD (Arrhythmogenic Right Ventricular Dysplasia)."
Dr. Zareba, who has used the ART's patented Predictor® signal averaging
software extensively, commented when asked what the significance of the
"rebirth of the method" means that "...there is a larger group of MADIT II
(Multi-center Automatic Defibrillator Implantation Trial II) type patients
with normal QRS duration for whom there is a limited ability to stratify
risk and prioritize for therapy with implantable cardioverter
defibrillators. In such patients, SAECG identifies groups with increased and
lower risk of death. In particular, negative predictive value is of
significance since SAECG is able to determine one-third of patients with low
risk that might not require ICD therapy. This might improve
cost-effectiveness of ICD therapy in post infarction patients."
James E. Rouse, the Company's President and CEO stated, "We are extremely
pleased to be a part of the combined ISHNE/ISE Congress which will be
attended by 1500 to 2000 clinicians and researchers from all over the world.
The continued interest in SAECG as a method of identifying low risk patients
who might not require the intervention of a cardioverter defibrillator is a
significant event for the Company. Predictor® (the Company's patented
Windows® SAECG software platform) has long been recognized as the "gold
standard" in signal averaging and we are excited about the market prospects
for Predictor® as ICD therapy becomes more prevalent and cost becomes a
greater concern. We are honored that Dr. Zareba has chosen Predictor® for
use in his studies and has requested the Company to sponsor a significant
satellite session "Signal-Averaged ECG - Is SAECG Back?" at the combined
For more information about the joint congress visit
Additional information about the organizations can be found on the web at and
Source: Arrhythmia Research Technology, Inc.
Arrhythmia Research Technology, Inc.
Frederick Lane, 978-345-5000