Nexense launches home monitoring products based on contactless
Nexense, an emerging sensor technology company, has developed the Nexaver
product line for home and professional monitoring of vital signs.
The Nexaver product line is based on Nexense’s biosensor platform, which
offers contact-free monitoring of vital signs, including heart and pulse
rate, in a non-intrusive and non-radiating manner. The Nexaver product line
will consist of Nexense’s professional products, PatientCare and SeniorCare
Nexaver, and its home use PartnerCare, ChildCare and SleepCare Nexaver.
“With the Nexaver product line, we are giving consumers solutions to
easily and effectively monitor the health of every family member at home.
Our technology will also provide hospitals and assisted living facilities
with affordable and reliable monitoring devices,” said Arik Ariav, CEO,
Home products
All home-use Nexaver products use a thin, pliable sensor pad, placed
under any mattress, to track vital signs in a real-time, completely passive
manner with no intrusion on lifestyle or wiring to the body.
The SleepCare Nexaver helps improve sleep quality by reducing, and
potentially preventing, snoring. It utilizes the sensor pad and a small
feedback box, which vibrates lightly when snoring occurs but does not
intrude on the sleeper’s comfort. Over the course of a night’s sleep, the
SleepCare Nexaver trains the snorer to shift into a position that allows
free air flow, thereby reducing snoring; it also teaches the sleeper to
associate the slight vibration with snoring, thereby enabling him/her to
breath correctly.
PartnerCare Nexaver is designed for couples. When abnormal and
potentially life-threatening vital signs are detected during sleep hours, it
immediately alerts the other partner to handle the situation.
The ChildCare Nexaver monitors children’s health well-being data, such as
heart rate, respiration, moving, coughing and crying. It notifies parents of
any abnormal occurrence and tracks this information. It also provides
parents with valuable data on their children’s sleep patterns, such as when
the child went to bed and how long the child slept.
Professional products
Intended for hospitals and geriatric facilities, Nexense’s SeniorCare
Nexaver and PatientCare Nexaver vital sign monitors will ensure that all
patients are monitored. If their condition worsens, professional staff are
automatically alerted to take action.
The alert range of the Nexaver can be pre-defined or customized by the
medical or nursing staff. When a risk is detected, an alarm is activated.
The Nexaver professional use products can be incorporated into existing
emergency call button mechanisms and can provide an integrated hub for data
and waveform display from Nexaver and other hospital monitoring devices.
Monitoring of a patient’s bed occupancy and movement in bed can also be
integrated into the Nexaver products.
“The Nexaver technology can be adapted and integrated into many existing
medical imaging systems to enhance performance,” added Ariav. “For example,
we are currently collaborating with a leading medical company to develop a
triggering device for MRI and CT. This will enable real-time 3D images of
any organ in a non-invasive and non-intrusive way, without the risks
associated with a catheter procedure.”
Nexense is also working with Fujitsu on the development of an ASIC chip
for non-intrusive monitoring and tracking of vital signs via mobile phones.
The company expects the technology to be available in early 2005.
“We are also actively seeking partners to manufacture and distribute
Nexaver products worldwide,” said Asialee Huang, Sr. VP, corporate
strategies and worldwide business development. “We are currently exploring
opportunities with major brands and companies to ensure that our technology
reaches to the widest possible audience.”
For more information see