Study shows effectiveness of blood pressure
monitor in emergency transport
9 February 2005
DANVERS, Mass, USA. Medwave, Inc. (NASDAQ:
MDWV) announced today that the study Near-continuous, non-invasive
blood pressure monitoring in the out of hospital setting has been
published in the January-March issue of Prehospital Emergency Care.
The study performed by Stephen H. Thomas M.D., MPH, Greg Winsor, RN, Peter
Pang, MD, Suzanne K. Wedel, MD, and Blair Parry, BA, shows that the Vasotrac
blood pressure monitor performed with a high degree of accuracy in the
emergency transport setting. The Vasotrac was used in ground ambulance,
helicopter and jet air transport vehicles. The study's conclusion states
that "there were no signs that the tested device (the Vasotrac) accuracy or
reliability were impaired by the transport vehicle setting".
Rich Niemczyk, Marketing Manager for Medwave states, "Medwave prides
itself on the fact that our technology performs with the same high level of
accuracy and functionality in routine monitoring applications as it does in
some of the most challenging environments. We have studies showing the
effectiveness of the Vasotrac on children, the morbidly obese, and now in
the extremely challenging emergency transport environment. Medwave and its
employees are extremely proud of the fact that these studies continually
validate that our technology, regardless of the challenge, meets or exceeds
the expectations of the medical community and performs at least as well as,
and in most cases better than, the standards they have been using."
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Source: Medwave, Inc.
CONTACT: Medwave, Inc. - Investor Relations, +1-978-762-8999